Breakdown of Hyundai Winter Getaway AD- Responsible for all aspect
Hyundai VS Campaign- Responsible for Aspect. Lookdev, Lighting, Comp
Responsible for lighting and Comp, responsible for developing stylized crosshatching look matching Sony's Spiderverse series.
Responsible for Explosion Supervision
Hyundai Summer Event PackShot- Responsible for Comp and CG assets
Death and Other Details - Huhu Responsible for FX and Lighting
GMA dealer Ad- Responsible for Monitor and screen comps
Personal Project: Explosion done in Houdini 18.5 Rendered in Mantra.
Responsible for Model, texture, lookdev, motion graphic, compositing for Inifinty war Trailer Title finish and Internation Title finishes
Rotomation done for McGruber season 1
Iron Giant Transform-Responsible for all Aspect
Onset smoke effect done for MV